The Potential In Questioning: Abhi Golhar’s Insight Into The Power Of Doubt

Aaron Knipp
4 min readFeb 4, 2024


Abhi Golhar — Cicospace Content House For Keynote Speakers
  • Understanding the Faulty Perception of Doubt
  • Questioning as path for understanding Self
  • Parental role during phase of uncertainty

Understanding The Faulty Perception Of Doubt

Doubt is often perceived as a negative word, a state of being no one wants to be in — the emotion of the weak. Stemming from the uncertainty that accompanies everything we undertake, doubt shows its presence, especially when we have to make decisions that hold the power to transform our future, either positively or negatively. We find ourselves filled with doubts.

The right partner? The right job? The right house? The perfect outfit?

Because Doubt Should Definitely Be Reserved for Wardrobe Decisions.

Ever wondered if there’s a doubt-free zone in life? Well, surprise — enter the world of just breathing. But why is doubt considered bad? Why is it frowned upon to think, to question, to reflect, to improve? Isn’t it the foremost step to the greatest creations?

Abhi Golhar, a top-rated keynote speaker for audiences, faced a challenging setback in his recent real estate venture because he was led astray by a less-than-reliable mentor, resulting in significant financial burdens — $500,000 in debt and a considerable amount of doubt.

We have no insight into which particular doubt made him make necessary changes that turned him into a global hit today, but surely it all started with a doubt.

“My personal experience with doubt led me on an unforgettable journey of understanding its power and potential when we learn to embrace it.” - Abhi Golhar

Today Abhi is an international speaker, private equity investor, and 3x nationally syndicated Wall Street Business radio host. Abhi started many successful businesses in services, finance technology (fintech), and healthcare. His latest ones are called Meridian 84, Ludington Labs, and Blue Apple.

Reasonable doubt brings us clarity. Reasonable doubt brings improvement after all, self assurance without clarity is catastrophic.

Questioning As The Path Of Understanding Self

Abhi in his presentation, “Doubt is Your New Power Tool”, explores how to innovatively turn the power of questioning our own selves into personal growth and career transformation.

When we discuss uncertainty, the self is the first thing to consider. We are never as uncertain about anything in the vast cosmos as we are about our own simple selves.

The immense depth of understanding oneself can be equated with the simple saying, “Life is a journey to know self.”

Questionable, isn’t it? An entire lifetime being quoted by great men to be spent just to know what we truly are ourselves? Isn’t the self much vaster than what we had imagined?

The search for self, the quest to know our own self — where does it all begin? How? With a question. It might sound like, “What was I made for? What good can I do? Can I rise above my doubt? Am I capable enough?” And we might carry these questions throughout our entire life.

It is with the questions that we throw at ourselves and the answers that we figure out, that gives us what we need the most: our truth, the clarity of self, the alignment with our being.

Abhi’s approach is rooted in the fact that- in order To become a great leader, one starts by recognizing uncertainty and then finding confidence through one’s own wisdom and creativity.

Parental Role During The Phase Of Uncertainty

We all get chained to the feeling of uncertainty at some point in our lives. But as crucial as it is to know how we can get through it ourselves, it’s equally important as parents to understand how their perspective and encouragement can empower their children not only to overcome the chains of self-doubt and, in turn, use it as fuel to drive through hurdles towards success.

Being an exceptional speaker, Abhi connects with the audience on a deeper level because of his authenticity, relatability, and engaging communication style.

In his TEDx talk titled “The Cultural Shift Indians and Americans Need to Empower Their Children,” he revolutionizes old stereotypes and paves the way for a better, adaptable modern understanding for both parents and society on how to support and nurture their children when they get stuck in the negativity of self-doubt.

Abhi introduces a new perspective where parents encourage and notice the potential their child has beyond the path that they chose for them. He emphasizes how they can create more opportunities for their child, impacting the world in a much better and positive sense

The transformative voice of Abhi has helped people overcome their fear and self-doubt, shaping their outlook to embrace doubts, work upon them, and transform them into steps towards success.

To learn more about the big power of small doubts, or inquire about Abhi Golhar for your next keynote event please visit



Aaron Knipp

Aaron Knipp is a published author and founder of Cicospace. Recognized in several publications for his efforts in the keynote and brand building communities.